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Our Story

Your Gateway to Pakistani Fashion.

Welcome to ZOYA UMER, where elegance, meets tradition. We are a fashion house that celebrates the timeless beauty of Pakistani eastern wear. Our exquisite collection is meticulously crafted to adorn you for those special occasions---be it weddings, parties or formal evenings.

At ZOYA UMER, we believe that clothing is more than just fabric; its an expression of culture, heritage and individuality. Our vision is to blend the rich tapestry of Pakistani craftsmanship with contemporary designs, creating ensembles that resonate with modern sensibilities while honoring our roots.

Explore ZOYA UMER for Timeless Eastern Wear.

Our CSR policy includes manufacturing our materials locally and minimizing cloth wastage in factory production. We have priced all outfits at affordable prices whilst ensuring our laborers are paid above minimum wage.

Each ZOYA UMER creation is a labor of love. Our skilled artisans pour their heart and soul into every stitch, ensuring that our garments are not just beautiful but also comfortable. From hand-embroidered motifs to delicate embellishments, we spare no effort in delivering excellence.